Saturday, July 27, 2013

The Kickoff Take Two

     Ok ok ok... If you're reading this and you were one of the people kind enough to read the several posts my last "blog" consisted of... you're probably thinking one thing. WTH MAN?! Well I'm sorry. I really am. I found myself many a time just sitting at my computer asking myself... what do I write about? Am I supposed to tell you how my day went? What I ate for breakfast, lunch, and dinner??? Is blogging no more than just merely making the mundane seemingly miraculous? For some it is.... and for them... I apologize. I was once there too, and I thought telling you what I did on a daily basis is what you wanted to hear. Which unless you're my mom... you probably prefer it be different.
     However I had no idea what a blog I would want to update would look like. Until I talked to my Abuelito, the man that made my 4 day stint in the US all the worthwhile. He suggested that I take my blog and write about Econ... and then my heart fluttered... a little... actually a lot. If there's one thing to know about Sami Haddad, it's that he loves talking about Economics. Some may find it to the point where it could be a fault, he argues otherwise.
     Back to first person. I spent the first week in Chile (where I currently am doing my study abroad in Valpariso Chile, at La Catolica) finding topics to cover. And it didn't take long. From Black Markets to the Cost of Currency, The benefits of holding the highest amount of FTA (Free Trade Agreements) in the world to the repression of the Mapuche people to maximize GDP growth, Chile presents itself as an economical specimen worth examination. I can't promise i'll regularly update it, some weeks I'll be in town for class... others will be spent in Cheloe, The Aticama Desert, The ALMA Observatory... and so on. What I can promise is that if you subscribe, you'll be the first to know when a post is up. Because you're mother was right... you are special. ;) 
     I hope you enjoy it. Expect the first post to be up this week, if you ever have any questions... arguments... keep it kind... keep it simple. Please and Thank you.

Enjoy the Comic!

Over and Out